The Circular Benchmark Tool is made possible by:

Logo Europese Unie Logo SNN

The Circular Benchmark Tool is made possible by:

Logo Europese Unie Logo SNN

Thank you for joining our journey

Do you want to be future fit? Join the Circular Regions Movement and sign-up to test the benchmark or stay informed about the development of the tool.

Thank you for joining our journey

Do you want to get involved to further implement the CBT in your region? Please register to get in touch and collaborate.

The Circular Benchmark Tool (CBT) Explained

Let’s take a deep dive into the Circular Benchmark Tool, a powerful tool for regions looking to enhance their sustainability efforts and accelerate the transition to a circular economy.

In this video, we break down all the elements of the tool, making it easy for you to understand and use it effectively. By watching this video, you discover new insights about the development of the tool, its indicators, and ways to interpret the results. Whether you have not started yet, or you experienced trouble understanding certain aspects of the CBT, this video helps you to finish your assessment.

Through the completion of the CBT assessment, regions have the opportunity to enhance their circular procurement initiatives, facilitating the acceleration of the transition toward a circular economy. Additionally, it allows for benchmarking against other regions, fostering knowledge exchange and the adoption of best practices.

If you're keen to discover your regional score and actively contribute to the Circular Economy transition, we invite you to complete your registration and start your assesment. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at, or use the contact button on the top right corner.

Join the transition!